WhoshouldIsee Tracks

ARCUS-DROPS provides management of potential static and dynamic dropped objects on your offshore and onshore assets.

  • Recording of detailed safety securing and retention methods
  • Asset scheduling aligns itself with your Preventative Maintenance regime
  • Photos help identify assets and are also used to support corrective action resolution and close-out

Winner of the Offshore Technology Conference Spotlight on New Technology Award in 2016, the service is provided over 4 stages:

Stage One – A Rig Specific Dropped Object Evaluation Health Check

OES provide a specialist who visits the rig and conducts a full evaluation of the systems and culture currently in place,

This information is then used to create a rig specific Dropped Object awareness training programme and also to advise rig management of any suggested system and policies that could be put in place to reduce

Stage Two – A Rig Specific Dropped Object Awareness Training Programme

An awareness training programme will be conducted with key personnel on board. This is a half day programme to help raise awareness of Dropped Objects and ensure crew are aware of their surroundings and possible hazards

Stage Three – A Dropped Objects Survey and Creation of a Tablet Based Report

A thorough Dropped Objects survey is conducted by a team of rope access capable Dropped Objects specialists, any findings are closed out there and then (with client approval) or document in detail for correction as soon as possible.

The corrective actions and report are all compiled on an EX rated ruggedized tablet for handing to the client at Stage 4.

Using OES’ electronic Dropped Objects inspection system allows for greatly added functionality over a standard paper based dropped objects crew pack. Such as:

  • A full inventory of all equipment located in specific rig zones
  • RFID tagging of equipment allows for individual equipment inspections requirements to be found instantly.
  • Easy to use step by step inspection guidance is built into the crew checklists
  • The electronic Dropped Objects follow up pack can be added to and updated easily by the rig crew.
  • Full management of inspection and corrective actions and new corrective actions can be added by the rig crew
  • The rig can easily see any items missed during the crew inspection.
  • Photographs can be taken of equipment or problem areas by the crew for sharing and adding to the database
  • All best practices, retention information and other relevant dropped objects documentation is stored on the tablet for easy crew access.
  • Inspection will be automatically linked to OES’ online Reporting System Certrack

Stage Four – Handover of Rig Specific Tablet Application

The tablet is handed over to rig team and they are trained on its functionality and use.

If they ever have any further questions, don’t worry, there is also a Technical Query application that allows Drops related queries to be answered and advice received at the push of a button.



Palace Towers 1, Office 202
Dubai Silicon Oasis. Dubai, UAE
PO Box 75971
+971 4 326 28 22
At OES we believe in delivering services that maintain our clients assets, improves efficiency and protects both people and equipment. OES are committed to the environment and improving the health and safety of the industry. OES hold a strong internal safety record which is testimony to this and an achievement that all at OES are proud to be part of. Find out more about our vision.

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