WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Compliance Auditing Condition Auditing

New-building and shipyard maintenance projects often have in-house teams, provided by the owner, overseeing the project, but sometimes some added support is required. OES are experts in providing added assistance to rig owners during newbuilding and shipyard works,...

Class Surveys

Approved by the leading Class Authorities in the offshore industry, OES meets the market demand for professional and precise Class satisfactory Special Surveys and reports. OES have experienced personnel who understand Class requirements and coordinate perfectly...

Lifting Gear Inspection

OES have been providing lifting inspections for over 20 years and can conduct broad scoped inspections on any form of equipment, either as part of a larger inspection scope package, or as an individual service. Often conducted in line with LOLER, API, British...

Crane Services

OES has over 20 years of crane inspection experience, providing a range of crane services including full condition assessments, API Crane inspections and detailed Crane Condition Evaluations, Class related inspections and Load Tests, SLI calibration checks and a wide...

UT Gauging of Piping Systems and Pressure Vessels

OES’ experienced inspectors can provide any depth of UT survey required on piping and pressure vessels. From full baseline surveys of all piping on-board to specific requirements. Detailed 3D CAD drawings, registers and reports are also provided, as required. OES...

Ladder and Fall Protection Surveys

Having the correct vertical access and related fall protection is, quite rightly, an increasingly critical focus of the industry and OES can help. Maintaining a register, conducting inspections and ensuring ladders (both fixed and mobile) and fall protection are well...