WhoshouldIsee Tracks

OES Asset Integrity Management have relocated to larger office and warehouse premises within Brazil.

OES Brazil has grown exponentially, due the addition of a number of new permanent contracts wins in the region. Located in Loteamento Novo Cavaleiros, Macaé, the new facilities provide the office space and warehouse capacity needed for the increased operation.

For further information about the portfolio of services available from OES, please contact Country Manager, Patrick Ribeiro:
Rua Alcides da Conceição, 175 (antigo Lte 5, Quadra Z1), Loteamento Novo Cavaleiros, Vale Encantado – Macaé – RJ, CEP 27933-378

Email: patrickribeiro@oesgroup.com
Office number: +55 22 3518 7632
Mobile: +55 22 99821 3621