WhoshouldIsee Tracks



At the heart of the organisation lies a culture that teams OES technological superiority with flexibility, mobility, professionalism and a desire to provide the best possible service.


We have the experience and capability to work wherever we’re needed. OES attracts personnel who enjoy the opportunity of travelling the globe and facing a new challenge every day working with us means working with a team of individuals that can get to where you need them, when you need them.

Continual Staff Development

The OES team are trained to the highest standards and training is our priority.  This comes from a commitment to excellence, supported by unsurpassed experience and skills development.

We work with our personnel to ensure they are offered every opportunity to grow and enhance their skills and qualifications. Utilising a blend of carefully selected training programs and a series of OES’ in-house on-site/off-site individual and team training, enables us to ensure our team has rounded expertise and are used to working as individuals and in teams.

The Best of the Best

With full time staff comes the benefit of higher commitment levels, allowing us to work closely to deliver a standard of service, and consistency, rarely seen with day-rate hire companies. We know that continued growth will follow if we deliver the best possible services, which is why we take the utmost care in the work we provide and ensure that we employ the best possible people to do the job.

Open and Honest Feedback

Continual improvement and development is aided by open and honest feedback. We incorporate ideas and suggestions from both clients and our staff, ensuring that we retain our cutting edge performance.

Superior Reporting

OES reports are market leading and are unique within the oil and gas industry for their depth and quality. Hard and electronic reports are sectionalised with custom dividers, developed along with major input from our clients, to make sure that navigation is easy, user-friendly and meets their needs. Reports are very detailed, but not needlessly complicated, and include substantial photographic, CAD drawings and documentation support wherever needed. All reports developed are channelled through our dedicated reporting and QA team, who help ensure consistency, accuracy and timely delivery of all reports in hard copy, soft copy and online version at www.certrack.com.


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February 20, 2017